Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Research paper politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Research paper politics - Essay Example It soon became evident that the American colonies of the New World were more interested in slaves than gold, and the slave trade quickly overshadowed the gold trade. Dutch, English, Danish, and Swedish competitors weakened Portuguese control and in 1642, the Portuguese left the Gold Coast permanently although their influence continues to this day. Various European powers attempted to dominate the profitable slave trade. The Dutch West India Company operated throughout most of the eighteenth century, and the British African Company of Merchants, founded in 1750, was successor to several earlier organizations and became the dominant European power on the Gold Coast (Buah 2004). Portugal's control of West Africa was gone by the seventeenth century, and Angola was the only major area left under Portuguese control. Angola, independent at present, is strongly influenced by Portuguese culture and its official language is Portuguese. It is especially distinctive because of South African infl uence and white settler communities, as well as the harsh colonial style of the Portuguese. The area therefore has become unique in Africa. As in most Portuguese colonies, mixed race children hold a different status (Angola 2007). In addition, Angola became divided into three factions-capitalists, independent, and the dominant party at present, the Population Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA). Violence, hunger and poverty marked the end of the twentieth century in Angola with peace being achieved in 2002. Even though they have gained their independence, "class, cultural, and linguistic divisions still haunt the country" (Birmingham 2006). Although France traveled to West Africa as early as 1483 and the first West African settlement was founded in the mid-seventeenth century in Senegal, it was not until the mid-nineteenth century that the French were firmly established in Cte d'Ivoire. Cte d'Ivoire, like the rest of West Africa, was subject to European influences, but absence of sheltered harbors made the area less appealing. The slave trade had little impact on the peoples of Cte d'Ivoire. Its profits were in ivory, but a decline in elephants closed down the trade by the beginning of the eighteenth century. In 1904, French West Africa consisted of Cte d'Ivoire, Dahoney (present-day Benin), Guinea, Niger, French Sudan (present-day Mali), Senegal, Upper Volta and Mauritania, ruled by the governor of Senegal, who became governor general. Most of the inhabitants of the colonies were subjects of France with no political rights (Handloff 1988). Handloff continues his history of the Ivory Coast noting that until 1958, gover nors appointed in Paris administered the colony of Cte d'Ivoire using direct, centralized administration that left little room for Ivoirian participation in policy making. The French colonial administration adopted divide-and-rule policies, applying ideas of assimilation only to the educated elite. These elite were inclined to take on the culture of the colonizers, moving away from their African heritage, and the influence of French culture continues to this day. The French-educated elites, or evolues, embodied the "African

Monday, October 28, 2019

Counselling Theories Essay Example for Free

Counselling Theories Essay 1.Explain the concept of nature versus nurture, using yourself as a case study to illustrate the theory. The concept of nature versus nurture is that human behaviour is influenced by genetic information inherited from our parents and also by environmental and social influences. My appearance such as short sightedness and pigmentation (freckles) I inherited from my parents. This means like my father I must wear glasses to drive and many other aspects of my daily life. Being a woman this heightens my social awareness as how others perceive me. Society dictates ‘the body beautiful’. Magazines, Bill-boards, TV and newspapers constantly suggest the need to have a perfect complexion. This influences how I perceive myself and makes me feel I must wear makeup to cover up such blemishes to appear more acceptable and feel good about myself. Thus this influences my behaviour in everyday life as I feel my appearance determines my acceptance by others. 2.Identify one strength and one weakness of the nature versus nurture concept in relation to understanding human development and individual behaviour. One strength of the nature versus nurture concept in relation to understanding human development and individual behaviour is the ability to explain addiction to smoking, drinking and narcotics. Children see their family and friends behaviour as socially acceptable and so exhibit these behaviours with little question. This often leads to entrenched social behaviour. This suggests that our early experiences can affect our perspective later in adulthood. One weakness of the nature versus nurture concept in relation to understanding human development and individual behaviour is that if someone’s behaviour is solely determined by their genes then to what extent are people in control of their lives. For instance people suffering from ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) have the same set of genes but depending on their family, social or cultural upbringing may respond differently to the same situation. 3.Describe Freud’s concept of the ego, id and superego. Explain how the ego,  id and superego interact. Use an example from your own experience. Id: Describes the biological or instinctive response. This is our original personality we are born with and controls responses in the early stage of life. Ego: In this second developmental stage, compromises in instinctive responses to environmental circumstances begin to develop. The ego mediates with the id by considering the rules of the real world and the consequences of actions taken in that world. Superego: This is that part of our psyche that determines how we think we should react in a given situation. This is the development of morals, what is right and what is wrong. It is a further development of control over the id response. An example from my own experience is say when I see a piece of cake on display. My id tells me I want to eat the piece of cake, my ego says are you really that hungry. My superego rationalises the situation and asks if I eat the cake unnecessarily, a possible consequence is I will put on weight and so is this the right thing to do? 4.Identify one strength and one weakness of Freud’s concept of the ego, id and superego in relation to understanding human development and individual behaviour. One advantage of Freud’s concept of the ego, id and superego in relation to understanding human development and individual behaviour is that it gives a good overall description of development of the human psyche. It recognises the development of personality and physical development stages. It demonstrates the interplay or lack of; between these different aspects of the psychological process and how different outcomes can occur as a consequence of this balance. One weakness of Sigmund Freud’s concept of the ego, id and superego in relation to understanding human development and individual behaviour is that not each may be equally well developed. This mix of psyche occurs at different rates for each individual. This can lead to social consequences where individuals will be treated differently causing a hindrance in the future development of the ego and superego. 5. Describe Jean Piaget’s four stages of cognitive development and provide an example from your own experience to illustrate the theory. Sensorimotor (Birth 18 months): During this period the baby begins to  recognise the world around them and so develops refined eye movement, depth vision, and later as they begin to explore further learn to crawl and then walk. They start to use simple language ‘mum’, ‘dad’ and other single word responses.   Preoperational (18 months to 6 years): Here the child increases their vocabulary and recognise some simple symbols and how to deal with certain basic situations. They can understand those near to them and begin to categorise the world around them. ï€ ªConcrete operational (6 to 12 years): At this point language skills increase but are still tied to the real world. The ability to reason increases in seeking to understand the world around them. Formal operational (12 years and over): About this point the child begins to explore abstract or hypothetical situations. There is an attempt to organise thoughts and situations into a logical ordering. From my own experience while I cannot remember the first two stages but I have seen them in my children’s growing up. At the age of 12 my daughter started to explore cooking for herself at first making cakes and more complicated meals. She started to ask such questions regarding instructions on packet mixes before progressing to more complicated cooking such as a bacon, tomato and onion omelette. More recently she has started to explore more complex issues and why people do what they do. 6.Identify one strength and one weakness of Piaget’s stages of cognitive development in relation to understanding human development and individual behaviour. Piaget’s stages of cognitive development demonstrate an important connection between physical development and personality stages. A criticism levelled at Piaget however was that he used his own children and others from a well educated and high socio-economic background. This selection is thus not fully representative of all society. Further children from different environment and cultural backgrounds may mature differently. Thus the age classification of the different stages may be much wider with some children developing at an earlier age and some later. 7.List Erikson’s eight psychosocial stages of development. Which stage do you see yourself in and why? (1)Oral sensory (0 – 1 year) (2)Muscular anal (2 – 3 years) (3)Locomotor-genital (3 – 5 years) (4)Latency (6 years – puberty) (5)Adolescence (12 – 18 years) (6)Early adulthood (18 – 35 years) (7)Middle adulthood (35– 60 years) (8)Mature adult (60+ years) I’m at stage 7 according to Erikson’s psychosocial stages of development. I am 40 years old, I have a family, a career and have organized as much as is possible my future life which now includes further education. 8.Identify one strength and one weakness of Erikson’s stages of development in relation to understanding human development and individual behaviour. A strength of Erikson’s stages of development in relation to understanding human development and individual behaviour is that it places greater stress in the nature versus nurture debate for the need for both concepts. Further this description is placed across an entire lifespan of a human being. A criticism, however, is that this theory describes the developmental process rather than explaining it.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Of Nightingales That Weep by Katherine Paterson Essay -- Of Nightingal

Of Nightingales That Weep Chapter 1 This chapter is about Takiko and her first family home. It tells a lot about her family. They talk about the war In this chapter also. Takiko’s mother decides that she will remarry after her father dies. Takiko’s finds out that her father is died. Chapter 2 This chapter the book tells about Goro who is Takiko’s stepfather. Takiko finds out that Goro is a injured man. She thinks it will be very hard to live with Goro because of his problem. Chapter 3 This chapter tells about Takiko living with Goro for a few months now. It tells how the family has a party for the new year, and they hope that the family will work out. Chapter 4 This chapter is about the child that Takiko’s mother has. She has the baby with Goro. This is when Takiko thinks about her future and she wants to leave the farm and go on into the city and start a new life there. Chapter 5 This chapter is about when Takiko starts her new free life in the capital. She finds a job with the Emperor and makes money to survive on. The job is that she is a servant for the Emperor. She also plays as a musician playing her Kyoto. Chapter 6 In this chapter Takiko plays the Kyoto in from of a large audience that gathered just to here her play on it. This is a trial or a test to see if she belongs at the capital. Chapter 7 In this chapter a war becomes abrupt into the capital, and it forces everyone to leave. Takiko’s mother hears about it and tells her husband t...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

How Does One Define Good Advice? :: Defintion Essays

How Does One Define Good Advice? I believe that a good advice is a truthful, general, specific and helpful idea given by someone that we know and trust. This idea usually transmits confidence and security in a time we need to make an important decision. Also, I would say that a good advice is an opinion given by someone that is prepared in a specific field. Usually they are called advisors or counselors, and they try to help people to guide their decisions, with a truthful, precise and accurate opinion that could even refer to their own past experiences. These decisions sometimes could change their lives. I think that when we receive an advice, we are the ones to determine if it is the right choice to follow it. Also, I think that sometimes human beings need to make their own mistakes, and obtain their own experience in specific situations of life, this doesn't mean that people shouldn't follow an advice, but to be able to decide on their own. "People need to learn somehow". Of course, there are many cases when we feel that by sharing our thoughts, feelings and experiences with someone that would listen and try to understand, we would feel more secure and confident in our actions. An example, I would refer to Roby Isaacs - Advices': "The next week my counselor could see major changes in my behavior". I believe she felt a higher grade of security by sharing her experience with a counselor. However, not everyone feels the same way, because even if an advisee gets an advice from someone with experience doesn't mean that the advisor has had followed his own advice in the past. For example, I would refer to Cale Sudwall - Advices': "Then my friend said, ya I should have listened to myself too, I put it off and I did shitty". In the other hand, a good advice could be expressed as a sugestion or in some cases as a warning too. Futhermore, even if the advisee knows that the advice is good, he has the right to decide to follow it or not. Also, I believe that sometimes is hard to accept a good advice even if it's coming from someone we trust, and I think there is when the advisee needs time to make a decision.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Breast Cancer Information Essay Essay

Breast cancer is the malignant form of tumor that develops from the breast cells and is the most common form of cancer invasive in women worldwide. This is considered second in malignancy after skin cancer in women. It starts from the inner lining of the milk ducts and spreads to the surrounding tissue. Breast is composed of microscopic cells, which multiply in an orderly manner with older cells being replaced by new cells. Uncontrolled multiplication of cells in a progressive manner is the phenomenon in cancer. Milk duct is the most common spot for the cancer to begin and this form is also known as â€Å"ductal carcinoma. While most breast cancer cases occur in women, male breast cancer is also rarely present. Breast cancer has two forms: invasive and non-invasive. Invasive form of breast cancer is where the cancer cells reach the nearby tissue from inside the lobules. In such cases, cancer cells reach the lymph nodes and reach other organs through metastasis. Liver, lungs and bones may get affected. The cancer cells may even reach other body parts by traveling through bloodstream or lymphatic system. Non-invasive form of breast cancer is where the cancer cells are limited to the origin i.e. inside the lobules. It is usually the pre-cancerous stage where cancer cells haven’t actually spread outside the place of origin and are â€Å"in situ†. This over a period of time develops into invasive breast cancer. The type of breast cancer determines the treatment to be carried out in each case. For breast cancer to be diagnosed it is important that its symptoms be known. The signs of breast cancer that are evident to the patient include headache or pain. Sometimes a rash or swelling may develop. Symptoms are what the doctor can detect like thickening of the tissue in the woman’s breast. Presence of lumps is not a sure sign of cancer as lumps need not be cancerous every time. It is important to get a health check up done by professional in case of lumps. Here are some known signs and symptoms which women report before the detection of breast cancer and need be diagnosed for analysis: 1. Redness of skin 2. Lump formation in the breast 3. Pain in armpits or breast not during menstrual cycle but otherwise 4. Swelling in the armpits(lumps) 5. Nipples of breast turning sunken or inverted 6. Change in size and shape of breast 7. Rash present around the nipples 8. Thickened tissue of breast 9. Discharge which may be that of blood from the nipples 10. Peeling, scaling or flaking of skin of nipples or breast It must be noted that these symptoms are not confirmatory indicators of breast cancer but are only a possible sign of malignancy. It may rather be a cyst or infection that causes such symptoms. In cases where diagnosis gives positive results, further treatment and course of action needs to be started by the medical professional. Determination of cancer type and its grade and also if genetic mutation is responsible for it or if it is hormone receptive is to be done. Positive breast cancer determination gives rise to the need for determining whether the cancerous cells have spread to other organs, tissues or bones. Effective treatments can cure the cancer or prevent it from spreading further. Local or systematic treatment based on the size, nature and extent of tumor is carried out post diagnosis. Surgery and radiation are means of local treatment where cancer cells are tried to be destroyed without affecting the other body parts or remaining body. Breast-sparing lumpectomy or mastectomy in aggressive form where the entire breast may have to be removed can be done as a part of the surgery. Systematic treatments involve targeting of bloodstream in the entire body and are given through mouth to reach target cancer cells. Toxic drugs such as cyclophoshamide or methotrexate may be used in such treatments. Biological treatment is the most recent form where therapy is used to strengthen the immune system to fight the cancer cells and curb the growth of cancer cells which have protein in higher levels. Which treatment regimen is adopted for a patient depends upon the age, type and stage of cancer. Since women over 50 years of age are most likely to develop cancer, early diagnosis can prevent cancer from happening altogether in many cases. Breast cancer screening tests are recommended in women over 40 years of age which are tests done without the  presence of any symptom. Detection is done by self exams, check up by medical experts or clinical mammography. Women who have family history of cancer must undergo the early screening tests as they are at higher risk of developing the malignancy through genes. Although causes of breast cancer are not ascertained, there are many factors that can be considered for its likelihood in females. As age progresses, the risk of developing breast cancer grows. Genetics also play a major role. Breast cancer is more common in such women whose close relative had ovarian cancer. If a woman had developed the non-invasive problem ever in her life, she is quite likely to develop breast cancer again in lifetime. Breast lumps at some stage can turn into cancer later on. For women with dense breast tissues, the chance of developing breast cancer is always higher. It is very crucial that a breast cancer gets diagnosed for the treatment to begin. The doctors have wider range of options to begin and judge the patient’s progress and prevent metastasis from occurring. Staging of cancer, i.e. the extent to which cancer has evolved in patient’s body can be determined only after its diagnosis. Further survival rates are highly dependent upon the type, stage and location of cancer. Women can keep away breast cancer by eating healthy diet, drinking less alcohol and breastfeeding their children besides being physically active in their routines. Breast cancer can be managed through surgery or chemotherapy or both in case needed. Risk of reoccurrence is a prominent factor during treatment and thus prevention is always better than cure.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

English Architecture During Medeival Times essays

English Architecture During Medeival Times essays English Architecture During Medieval Times Architecture is the practice of building design and the technology applied in constructing a building. Medieval or, English architecture is very appealing in the variety of castles and cathedrals throughout England. Each structure has its own feature and aspects in reflecting the Gothic style of architecture. English architecture is based on the Gothic principal of architecture that has designed the vast castles and cathedrals from early to the late Gothic structures. The most popular form of architecture in England, early Gothic style is referred to as the Bay Design. This design consisted of simply a large building and a collection of different bays throughout the span. The building consisted of a single roof, one central ridge with two planes of rafters. This Medieval form is called a single span. (Braun 91) The most important feature in English architectural punctuation consists of buttresses, broad pilasters to form a sound system for the structure. The buttresses were slender strips employed by architects that supported the main walls. Broad pilasters added great dignity to the wall surfaces and were stepped in place at various angles of the building to propose a sturdier forum. ( Braun 99 ) During the 14th and 15th centuries advanced roofing technology enabled the spans of buildings t be increased. ( Braun 98 ) this meant that enormous cathedrals and castles could be constructed and still retain the strength of smaller structures. The large galleried churches of the tenth through the twelfth centuries were scientifically designed to have many windows to light the gallery floor. By the early Gothic period the row of rounded windows was accepted for being the main principle for lighting. The early Gothic or bay unit design was merely the popular design chosen throughout the early Gothic times in England. The Gothic form of architecture was developed upon th...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Creative Writing 101

Creative Writing 101 Creative Writing 101 Creative Writing 101 By Ali Hale What is Creative Writing? Creative writing is anything where the purpose is to express thoughts, feelings and emotions rather than to simply convey information. I’ll be focusing on creative fiction in this post (mainly short stories and novels), but poetry, (auto)biography and creative non-fiction are all other forms of creative writing. Here’s a couple of definitions: Creative writing is writing that expresses the writers thoughts and feelings in an imaginative, often unique, and poetic way. ( What is Creative Writing?) Writing is a form of personal freedom. It frees us from the mass identity we see all around us. In the end, writers will write not to be outlaw heroes of some underculture but mainly to save themselves, to survive as individuals. (Don DeLillo) Writing of any sort is hard, but rewarding work – you’ll gain a huge amount of satisfaction from a finished piece. Being creative can also be difficult and challenging at times, but immensely fun. How to get started Many people think that just because they’ve read a lot of stories (or even if they haven’t!) they should be able to write one. But as Nigel Watts writes: There is a common belief that because most of us are literate and fluent, there is no need to serve an apprenticeship if we want to become a successful wordsmith. †¦ That’s what I thought until I tried to write my first novel. I soon learnt that a novel, like a piece of furniture, has its own set of requirements, laws of construction that have to be learnt. Just because I had read plenty of novels didn’t mean I could write one, any more than I could make a chair because I had sat on enough of them. (Nigel Watts, Teach Yourself Writing a Novel) By all means, if you’re keen, jump straight in and have a go: but don’t be too disappointed if your first efforts aren’t as good as you’d hoped. To extend Watts’ metaphor, you may find that these early attempts have wonky legs and an unsteady seat. There are lots of great books aimed at new fiction writers, and I’d strongly recommend buying or borrowing one of these: Wannabe a Writer? (Jane Wenham-Jones) Teach Yourself †¦ Writing a Novel (Nigel Watts) How to Write Fiction (and Think About It) (Robert Graham) On Writing (Stephen King) I’d also recommend starting small. Rather than beginning with an epic fantasy trilogy, a family saga spanning five generations, or an entire adventure series †¦ have a go at a short story or a poem. And if you end up chewing your pen and staring at a sheet of paper, or gazing at a blank screen for hours, try kickstarting your writing with a short exercise. Don’t stop to think too much about it †¦ just get going, without worrying about the quality of the work you produce. Tips and tricks for beginners Do some short exercises to stretch your writing muscles – if you’re short of ideas, read the Daily Writing Tips article on â€Å"Writing Bursts†. Many new creative writers find that doing the washing up or weeding the garden suddenly looks appealing, compared to the effort of sitting down and putting words onto the page. Force yourself to get through these early doubts, and it really will get easier. Try to get into the habit of writing every day, even if it’s just for ten minutes. If you’re stuck for ideas, carry a notebook everywhere and write down your observations. You’ll get some great lines of dialogue by keeping your ears open on the bus or in cafes, and an unusual phrase may be prompted by something you see or smell. Work out the time of day when you’re at your most creative. For many writers, this is first thing in the morning – before all the demands of the day jostle for attention. Others write well late at night, after the rest of the family have gone to bed. Don’t be afraid to experiment! Don’t agonize over getting it right. All writers have to revise and edit their work – it’s rare that a story, scene or even a sentence comes out perfectly the first time. Once you’ve completed the initial draft, leave the piece for a few days – then come back to it fresh, with a red pen in hand. If you know there are problems with your story but can’t pinpoint them, ask a fellow writer to read through it and give feedback. HAVE FUN! Sometimes, we writers can end up feeling that our writing is a chore, something that â€Å"must† be done, or something to procrastinate over for as long as possible. If your plot seems wildly far-fetched, your characters bore you to tears and you’re convinced that a five-year old with a crayon could write better prose †¦ take a break. Start a completely new project, something which is purely for fun. Write a poem or a 60-word â€Å"mini saga†. Just completing a small finished piece can help if you’re bogged down in a longer story. Online resources NaNoWriMo Every November, hundreds of thousands of people just like you do something extraordinary: they write a novel in just thirty days. Want to be part of the coffee-fueled, manic-typing, adrenaline-rush that is National Novel Writing Month? (NaNoWriMo for short). Make sure you sign up by October 31st. The â€Å"rules† state that you can’t start writing Chapter 1 until 00.01am on November 1st but you can spend as long as you like before that planning†¦ Authors’ websites and blogs I read lots of websites and blogs written by authors and these give real (sometimes harsh) insights into what it’s like to write professionally. One which has been a strong favourite of mine for many years is Holly Lisle’s. Check out her advice for writers and her weblog. She also has an excellent newsletter which I subscribe to, and some very thorough and helpful e-books on various aspects of writing available for purchase. Competitions listings Having a theme and a deadline can make a startling difference to a writer’s motivation! If you’re in the UK, Sally Quilford’s competition listings are a comprehensive and regularly-updated list. I Should Be Writing podcast This is a practical and inspiring podcast: I Should Be Writing by Mur Lafferty. She describes the podcast as â€Å"For wanna-be fiction writers, by a wanna-be fiction writer† (though since starting it several years ago, she’s had considerable success selling her short stories) and focuses on science fiction and fantasy. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Fiction Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Computer Terms You Should KnowAwoken or Awakened?Dissatisfied vs. Unsatisfied

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Density Lab Report Essay Example

Density Lab Report Essay Example Density Lab Report Paper Density Lab Report Paper Density is defined by its mass per unit volume, and is most often written in mathematical terms as; Mass is usually given in grams, g, and volume is given in cubic centimeters, g/ com, or, grams per millimeter, g/ml_ Density is not a property that depends upon the amount of substance present. For example, one gram of lead and one ton of lead have the same density. Density also does depend on temperature. For instance cold water is denser than warm water; ice is less dense than both. The method used for determining the density Of a substance depends on the nature f the substance. In this lab the densities of unknown irregularly shaped solids and liquids was determined. Accuracy and precision of the results will be estimated, and attention Will be paid to the correct use of the significant figures. The experiment approach that will be used will tell the mass and volume of the metal and liquid determined by measuring these two quantities with a graduated cylinder and Beirut. Procedure: a) The density of metals First obtained a quantity to unknown metal. Recording the unknown number, I used only one type of metal for this part of the experiment. The unknown metal that was instructed to use was a chunk, therefore, used a Some graduated cylinder, When using the Scam cylinder, I filled it with water to approximately the ml mark. Then recorded the exact volume of water that was added. Placed the cylinder and water on the balance and recorded the mass to every 0. Lag. Added the metal to the graduated cylinder until the water level increased by approximately 2_Mom_ Being sure to tap the sides of the cylinder to release any air bubbles. I then recorded the volume of the water plus teal to the nearest 0. ml Then recorded the total mass of the cylinder, water and metal. Added more pieces of metal to the cylinder until the water level had increased by 2. Mi. Then recorded the exact volume Of water plus metal and total mass of cylinder, water and metal. Repeated the procedure twice more. Being careful not to go over the Mimi mark. And recording the data each time. Calculations: determined the total volume of metal in the cylinder by su btracting the volume of water from the volume of water plus metal. Then found the corresponding ass of metal by subtracting the mass of the cylinder and water from the mass of the cylinder, water and metal, I plotted out the graph showing the total mass of metal on they-axis, and the volume on the x-axis. I found the slope of the line by taking two random points from the graph, performing the slope formula and finding the density. From the table provided, I identified the unknown metal to be silver, b). Determining the density off water/ethanol mixture. Obtained an unknown solution from the instructor. Then recorded the number of the solution. Then rinsed a burette with a little of the ethanol solution, and filled the burette with that same solution. Read the burette level to the nearest 0. Ml. Then weighed an empty Mimi Erlenmeyer flask. Turned the knob Of the burette and put approximately 23. Ml of solution into the flask. I read the burette again, to O_Osmosis and recorded. Next weighed the flask and its contents, by placing the flask on the balance and recording the temperature Of the solution. I then determined the density Of the solution by taking the mass of solution and dividing by the volume of solution. Repeating the procedure twice more using a clean flask and the same balance each time. Calculations: For each of the three trials calculated the density of the solution and determined the mean, average deviation from the mean, percent precision and the range. Then drew a calibration curve from the data given on page 17 of my Laboratory Manual, Discussion: Based on the value of my density, and based on the literature values given on page 16 of my Laboratory Manual, the unknown metal is silver. The density I had obtained trot the slope of the graph was 9. Egg/ml. En compared my density to the chart given, looking for a similar density, The density of my unknown metal was not exact with a particular metal given in the chart, but kept in mind that the density of silver can vary depending of the state it is in, Error Analysis: The possible sources of error in finding the density of the unknown metal and liquid would have to be my consistency throughout the experiment had approximated with my bare eye and was not consistently exact. Therefore, there was an inaccuracy in reading the volume displaced from the graduated cylinder and the Beirut.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

News Article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

News Article - Essay Example He did not like to sacrifice the lives of his militants. President Bashar al-Assad can preserve and foster his power all well. He does not want to lose. In spite of the UN attempts to stop 13 months bloodshed in Syria, a cruel and a stubborn leader continues his policy. This point of view is often promoted in the media. In reality, a current position of Syria presents an international hazard and the most powerful countries of the world try to cease fire in that country. There are oppressed masses of people in Syria and the international community insists on tyrannical power. The President has already sacrificed 9,000 of Syrian lives (Coughlin, 2012). Assad is concerned about preservation of his power only, because he has been kept it for the past 40 years. Assad has obtained too much rivals, which are very strong and diplomatic relationships may be a great challenge for Assad. Syria is involved in the complex relationships with Iran and at this point it is appropriate for Assad to adopt a bold strategy of Alexander the Great, when he implemented the ideas of his rivals. Regime in Damascus is an intimidating factor for the international community. Therefore, Assad has global intentions and tries to implement his policy in order to extend the limits of his country. A global way of thinking was relevant to Alexander the Great too. Both of these leaders implemented their military plans as soon as possible. An establishment of the great empire has always been the main aim for Alexander as it is for Assad. There is no doubt, that Alexander the Great was a perfect leader, but he was much worried about the territory of his country and he did not care much about its inhabitants. People were like means, which he used to reach his goals. Unlike previous rulers from the Assad family, Bashar is unable to provide the country with the political stability. Mass protests are not scaring for the

Friday, October 18, 2019

English 102 Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

English 102 Literature - Essay Example The chapter opens with Mill's rhetorical question of where should the line of control be drawn between "the authority of society" and individual "sovereignty". Mill provides the answer to this question in the very next sentence saying that what concerns the individuals should "belong" to them and society has a control on that part "which chiefly interests" it. Here, Mill does not, however, elaborate on what could be those areas of society's interest. After ruling out the possibility of the society being based on a 'contract', the author still thinks that the individuals owe the other members of the society "a return for the benefit" of the protection that the society provides. The individuals cannot be allowed to harm other people's interests. Rather they should play their part in protecting them against injury. If individuals act in a way that mars other people's welfare, even if they are not illegal, they may be "punished by opinion." Here, public opinion is suggested to be a subst itute for law when necessary. Mill writes, "These conditions society is justified in enforcing at all costs to those who endeavor to withhold fulfillment". When a person's conduct affects only his interests, however, Mill says, that person should be allowed "to do the action and stand the consequences". There is no justification for society's meddling. After setting After setting the boundary line for the society, Mill goes on to clear his standpoint by saying, "It would be a great misunderstanding of this doctrine to suppose that it is one of selfish indifference, which pretends that human beings have no business with each other's conduct in life, and that they should not concern themselves about the well-doing or well-being of one another" he declares that "It is equally the business of education to cultivate" in the students the feelings of compassion for the fellow human beings and the sense of responsibility to the society. Individuals are indebted to each other. They should help and encourage each other in bringing about the best of themselves. But no individual should dictate terms to another simply because "He is the person most interested in his own well-being" and also because he better understands his circumstances that make him behave in a certain way than anyone else or the society in general. Others can offer their a dvice and suggestions but cannot take any decision on behalf of the person. If the individual allows others to take his decisions, then that might cause greater harm than if he takes a decision against the popular belief. Next, Mill talks about the freedom of opinion. Suppression of public opinion by the government can only lead to concealment of truth. By this Mill does not mean that public opinion is never wrong or biased, but at least the opinions that are wrong can be challenged to arrive at the truth. Here, Mill uses an interesting adjective that is, "self-regarding" which means concerning solely the individual, and advocates that in these self-regarding matters the government or the society has no right to interfere. However, sensing attack against this viewpoint, Mill immediately clarifies saying that this should not stop a well wisher of an individual from warning him against the harm he might cause himself by behaving in certain way even if it is about the self-regarding affairs. Similarly, every individual has the right to and duty of cautioning any individual against the possible

The influence of birth order on personality Essay

The influence of birth order on personality - Essay Example The theory of Adler would not be applicable for those families that have more than 3 children as there is nothing stated for middle children (Carducci, 156-60). Independence is the main characteristic of the first-born children. Even if they were given the full attention of both parents upon birth, this will change once the second child is born. The attention that would be given by the parents would be divided between the 2 children. Much burden however can be felt by second born children as they are always in the shadow of the first born. There are signs of inferiority that were observed with second born children (Carducci, 156-60; Adler & Mairet, 96-110). Being the youngest child has its positive and negative influences in its personality. Positive effects would be that the youngest child would feel more pampering as there are more people that surround them. The presence of the parents and the older siblings would create a blanket of comfort for the youngest child. This factor could also have negative effect on the child’s personality. Being the youngest in the family, there are quite a number of fulfillments that they need to overcome and to outshine the older siblings to prove his or her capabilities. Most of the times this creates the sense of discouragement in a child and be carried through once the person steps to adulthood (Carducci, 156-60). There are families however that only has 1 child in the family. The only child theory states that these children do have the tendency to be pampered more and be accustomed of being the center of attention. Once this comfort and attention is not given to the child, there is a tendency of becoming more timid, passive and withdrawn. This is the total opposite of being the first born in a family with more than 1 child. The first born children are independent while the only child, though also a first born, is more withdrawn and dependent type of personality (Carducci, 156-60). These theories may be used in trying

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Library Research Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Library Research - Assignment Example For our company performance play a vital role in determining pay, promotions, transfers, terminations and other such decisions that impact well-being as well as the overall company performance. Thus access to objective performance evaluation systems is key to the overall benefit of the company, employees and the society. An objective performance management system will help improve the relationship between the managers and their subordinates as well as boost motivation (Jackson et al.2011). As a newly designated manager for the HR department, we would ensure that performance management is properly designed, documented and implemented (Pope, ). It should be clearly understood that proper execution of the program cannot be done without cooperation of line managers and unless the top management shows commitment to it. Activities such as ensuring performance management is embraced on a daily-basis, timely completion of performance reviews, providing valuable feedback throughout the process and making developmental opportunities available to high performers are all responsibilities of line managers. Thus it is the proper execution of the performance management program by management and line-managers that can make or break it. The role of HR for this proper execution would be to: According to the evaluation of past organizational practices, some departments have informally attempted to introduce performance-based pay systems in the form of appraisals. This process needs to be properly documented and managed by the HR department in coordination with other department managers. It has been proven in a study conducted by Subramanov, Krause, Nortom and Burns in 2008 that creating a model for competitive pay can be used as incentive to enhance a company’s performance via enhanced employee performance (Chow et. Al, 2012). Some aspects that the new appraisal system should incorporate are: The role of performance of company executive and their management teams

Articel summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Articel summary - Essay Example However, the article discusses other apartment buildings were tap water was not safe for drinking; and even washing. In my opinion, one apartment building cannot speak for the entire country. In order to reach a conclusive finding, the government officials should have taken into consideration 10 buildings. There are many instances where tap water in Korea has been found to be unsafe for drinking. This shows that there is a problem with tap water in Korea. Also taking another angle in perspective, we can say that the problem does not lie with the management of water in Korea. The water board is effectively managing the water because if an old building in Korea receives safe water, then the entire country receives safe water because water is coming from the same reservoir. It is within the apartment building that the problem is occurring. This study is the beginning and can form the basis for more studies in the field. A positive beginning has been recorded. Only when more research is conducted, can solutions be derived. Thus, this article records a positive step in the right direction. We can expec t improvements in the future with respect to this

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Library Research Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Library Research - Assignment Example For our company performance play a vital role in determining pay, promotions, transfers, terminations and other such decisions that impact well-being as well as the overall company performance. Thus access to objective performance evaluation systems is key to the overall benefit of the company, employees and the society. An objective performance management system will help improve the relationship between the managers and their subordinates as well as boost motivation (Jackson et al.2011). As a newly designated manager for the HR department, we would ensure that performance management is properly designed, documented and implemented (Pope, ). It should be clearly understood that proper execution of the program cannot be done without cooperation of line managers and unless the top management shows commitment to it. Activities such as ensuring performance management is embraced on a daily-basis, timely completion of performance reviews, providing valuable feedback throughout the process and making developmental opportunities available to high performers are all responsibilities of line managers. Thus it is the proper execution of the performance management program by management and line-managers that can make or break it. The role of HR for this proper execution would be to: According to the evaluation of past organizational practices, some departments have informally attempted to introduce performance-based pay systems in the form of appraisals. This process needs to be properly documented and managed by the HR department in coordination with other department managers. It has been proven in a study conducted by Subramanov, Krause, Nortom and Burns in 2008 that creating a model for competitive pay can be used as incentive to enhance a company’s performance via enhanced employee performance (Chow et. Al, 2012). Some aspects that the new appraisal system should incorporate are: The role of performance of company executive and their management teams

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Consumer Behavior Analysis Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Consumer Behavior Analysis - Case Study Example Management needs to make on-going decisions relative to what changes need to make in response to consumer behavior in the context of the products that they offer. These decisions need to be made on the basis of an understanding of consumer behavior. This understanding will inform of the appropriate action for improving sales or withdraw the product altogether, depending on what firms’ know about or learn about consumer behavior, perceptions, attitudes, and desires. If management decides to respond by improving or changing the brand or product, once changes have been made, management will have to track consumer reaction and perceptions of the changes. Radian 6 offers a range of tools for integrating online social networking in a single place so that consumer behavior, attitudes, and perceptions, as well as preferences, can be accessed at one location. In other words, Radian 6 facilitates a method by which conversations among consumers can be analyzed. Management may also communicate directly with consumers. Radian 6 (2011) explains that it a â€Å"platform† for listening, discovering, measuring and engaging â€Å"in conversations across the social web†. Radian 6 taps into consumer behavior which is a generalization of marketing theory. Consumer behavior as a general marketing theory places the consumer â€Å"at the center of the marketing concept† (Baker and Saren 2010, p. 42). Essentially, consumer behavior by itself provides an array of theories that can unlock the door to understanding consumer behavior. Consumer behavior-social networking applications such as Radian6 is more useful for monitoring how products and brands are being received by consumers.   It also permits immediate feedback for consumer behavior relative to products and brands.   Therefore while traditional research methodologies provide an overall picture of external and internal factors that operate in the market to influence consumers, social networking or social media research provides researchers with an up-to-the-minute monitoring process as a general theory combines core concepts such as cultural theory, economic, political, consumer information , services and cognitive psychology-based theories (Baker and Saren 2010, p. 42).

Kingship in Macbeth Essay Example for Free

Kingship in Macbeth Essay In his first appearance, King Duncan performs two of the basic duties of a king: punishing the bad and rewarding the good. Upon learning of the treachery of Cawdor and the heroism of Macbeth, he says, No more that thane of Cawdor shall deceive / Our bosom interest: go pronounce his present [immediate] death, / And with his former title greet Macbeth (1.2.63-65). The phrase bosom interest means vital interests, but bosom suggests that a relationship of love should exist between a king and his subject. Soon after the witches hail him as Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and king hereafter! (1.3.50), Macbeth receives the news that he has been named Thane of Cawdor. This news throws him into a reverie, in which he says to himself, Two truths are told, / As happy prologues to the swelling act / Of the imperial theme (1.3.127-129). Macbeths metaphor is dramatic, or musical; he seems to be imagining himself as making a grand entrance as king, or maybe as an emperor, a king of kings. Just as the King is commenting on the treachery of the former Thane of Cawdor, in comes the new Thane of Cawdor, Macbeth. The King greets Macbeth as worthiest cousin! (1.4.14) and says in several different ways that he cant thank him enough. Macbeth answers with heroic modesty that The service and the loyalty I owe, / In doing it, pays itself (1.4.22-23). That is, its payment enough to know that he did the right thing as a loyal servant of the King. Then Macbeth adds, Your highness part Is to receive our duties; and our duties Are to your throne and state [stateliness, dignity] children and servants, Which do but what they should, by doing every thing Safe toward your love and honour. (1.4.23-27) Safe toward means to secure or to safeguard; the idea is that it is every subjects duty to do everything he can for the king, both to keep the king safe and to earn the kings love and respect. Macbeths speech pictures King Duncan as the loving father of a happy family, but Macbeth is already thinking about killing him. When Lady Macbeth receives her husbands letter about the witches prophecies, she is only worried that her husband is too full o the milk of human kindness / To catch the nearest way (1.5.17-18). But shes sure she has no such problem, and shes eager for the chance to make him see things her way. Holding the letter, and speaking to Macbeth (even though he hasnt arrived yet) she says, Hie thee hither, / That I may pour my spirits in thine ear; / And chastise with the valour of my tongue / All that impedes thee from the golden round, (1.5.25-28). We might say that shes going to nag him, but she believes that she is going to enable him to reach his potential. She will chastise (make him ashamed of) everything in him that prevents him from being evil enough to be king. Shortly, Macbeth appears and tells her that King Duncan will be staying with them that night. Lady Macbeth declares that King Duncan will never leave their castle alive and advises Macbeth to be a good hypocrite. He must give the king a warm welcome, the better to kill him that night. Apparently Macbeth shows a little reluctance, because she says, He thats coming Must be provided for: and you shall put This nights great business into my dispatch; Which shall to all our nights and days to come Give solely sovereign sway and masterdom (1.5.66-70) Sovereign means not only kingly but also absolute. Lady Macbeth is telling her husband that if he will only do as she tells him, they will be king and queen, with power over all. To her, the essence of kingship is ruthless power. When King Duncan is greeted by Lady Macbeth, he makes a little joke about the social difficulties of being king. He says to her: See, see, our honourd hostess! The love that follows us sometime is our trouble, Which still we thank as love. Herein I teach you How you shall bid God ield us for your pains, And thank us for your trouble. (1.6.10-14) Duncans whole speech is based on our ancient custom of a guest saying something like I dont want to trouble you, and the host replying with some version of Its my pleasure. By saying that his peoples love is sometimes his trouble, King Duncan is saying that his loving people go to a great deal of trouble for him, and hes troubled by the fact that they take all that trouble. Nevertheless, when people take trouble for him, he knows that they do it because they love their king, and so he thanks them for their love. Next, referring to himself royally as us, the King jokingly tells Lady Macbeth that hes saying all of this so that instead of him thanking her for taking trouble she will thank God and him for giving her trouble. While King Duncan is at dinner Macbeth almost talks himself out of the murder. He reflects that King Duncan is a good king, not arrogant or selfish. Macbeth says to himself that the king Hath borne his faculties [royal powers] so meek, hath been / So clear [uncorrupted] in his great office, that his virtues / Will plead like angels, trumpet-tongued, against / The deep damnation of his taking-off (1.7.17-20). The day after the murder of King Duncan, Ross speaks with an old man. The Old Mans memories go back seventy years, but nothing he can remember compares to what has happened during this night: I have seen / Hours dreadful and things strange; but this sore night / Hath trifled former knowings (2.4.2-4). Ross replies Ah, good father, / Thou seest, the heavens, as troubled with mans act, / Threaten his bloody stage (2.4.4-6). The heavens are the heavens above, where God lives, and they are also the upper regions of Shakespeares Globe theater. Ross is saying that the heavens frown angrily (threaten) as they look down upon man playing his part on the stage of life, which has been made bloody by the murder of King Duncan. King Duncan should have been honored and loved, so his murder was unnatural, and Ross and the Old Man go on to tell each other of all the unnatural things that have been happening lately. They do not know that Macbeth is the murderer, but as they speak we can see that the unnatural events reflect the contrast between King Duncan and Macbeth. The Old Man says that On Tuesday last, / A falcon, towering in her pride of place, / Was by a mousing owl hawkd at and killd (2.4.11-13). The falcons pride of place is the highest point of its flight. And the owl, which usually catches mice on the ground, went up instead of down, and killed a falcon. Also, a falcon is a day creature, and a royal companion, while the owl is an untamable bird of night and death. If things in nature stands for things in human life, King Duncan was the falcon, and Macbeth the owl. Even worse, King Duncans horses, Beauteous and swift, the minions of their race, / Turnd wild in nature, broke their stalls, flung out, / Contending gainst obedience, as they would make / War with mankind. (2.4.15-18) A minion is someones favorite. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth were King Duncans minions. The King showered them with honors and gifts, but they turned wild and made war on their master. Thus the point is made that Macbeths murder of his king is a crime against nature. Just before he sends the murderers to kill Banquo, Macbeth has a soliloquy in which he states his fear of Banquo. He says that Banquo has royalty of nature (3.1.49), and courage, and wisdom. Macbeth also says, under him, / My Genius is rebuked (3.1.54-55). A mans Genius is his guardian spirit, but Macbeth isnt being particularly mystic here. He feels that Banquo is naturally superior to him, and just being near Banquo makes Macbeth feel ashamed of himself. For example, he recalls, Banquo defied the witches and challenged them to speak to him. (In contrast, we should remember, the witches prophecy put Macbeth into a kind of trance, a reverie of ambition and murder.) In short, Macbeth feels that Banquo is more fit to be king than he is, and for that, hes going to murder him. After he becomes king, Macbeth has a moment when he tries to be the kind of king that King Duncan was, humble and mild. At his feast Macbeth welcomes everyone, saying, You know your own degrees; sit down. At first / And last the hearty welcome (3.4.1-2). The degrees of the guests are their social ranks. Normally, each guest would receive an individual greeting and then be escorted to his seat, with the highest ranking person sitting closest to the king, and the next highest the next closest, etc. Macbeth tells them that they know where they should sit, and welcomes everyone at once. He will play the humble host (3.4.4), and sit among them, showing how friendly and down-to-earth he is, even though he is now the king. However, he cant keep up his act because un uninvited guest shows up Banquos bloody ghost. Lennox and another Scottish lord have a conversation in which both of them refer to Macbeth as a tyrant. Its clear from their conversation that life under a tyrant is a life of fear and lies. Because Macbeth has many spies, they need to be careful what they say and to whom they say it. As the scene opens, they have just gotten to the point at which they are sure that they are on the same side and have many of the same thoughts. As Lennox says, My former speeches have but hit your thoughts, / Which can interpret further (3.6.1-2). Perhaps the other Lord nods agreement, because Lennox now launches on a string of sarcasms about Macbeth. Lennox says, The gracious Duncan / Was pitied of Macbeth: marry, he was dead (3.6.4). This bitter joke describes both Macbeths facade that he was sorry for King Duncan and the truth about Macbeth, which was that he was sorry for King Duncan only after he killed him. Then Lennox proceeds to ridicule Macbeths version of everything that has happened to this point. Banquo died because he took a walk after dark, and Fleance must have killed him, because Fleance ran away. And speaking of that, wasnt it terrible for Malcolm and Donalbain to kill their father? And of course Macbeth felt terrible about Duncans murder, which is why he killed the only two possible witnesses, Duncans grooms. If Malcolm, Donalbain, and Fleance were in Macbeths power, hed certainly teach them a lesson or two about killing a father! After a bit, Lennox drops the sarcasm and turns to the subject of Macduff. He has heard that Macduff has gotten on Macbeths bad side because Macduff used some broad words (3.6.21) about Macbeth, and because he failed to show up for Macbeths banquet. Does the other Lord know, Lennox asks, where Macduff might be? The other Lord does know. Macduff is on his way to the English court, where Malcolm has been respectfully received by King Edward the Confessor. Macduff has gone to plead with King Edward to help Malcolm by sending to Scotland the forces of Northumberland and Siward, two English nobles famous as warriors. If Macduff is successful, Scotland will be freed of Macbeths tyranny. Then we may again / Give to our tables meat, sleep to our nights, / Free from our feasts and banquets bloody knives, / Do faithful homage and receive free honours (3.6.33-36). Under Macbeths tyranny, fear of his bloody knife darkens every moment of a persons life. In contrast to this reign of terror, a true king is given faithful homage and he awards Free honours. Free honours are given by a king in recognition of service; they are free in the sense that person honored doesnt have to be a tyrants yes-man in order to receive them. When Macbeth seeks out the witches, he curses them, calls them hags, and demands that they answer his questions. They give him their prophecies, the last of which is that Banquo will be the progenitor of a long line of kings, stretching to James of Scotland and England. Macbeth is stunned, and the first witch says that they will cheer him up with music and a dance, so That this great king may kindly say, / Our duties did his welcome pay (4.1.131-132). The witch is being sarcastic. Macbeth is a tyrant, even to witches, and gave them no welcome; they repaid his angry demand for answers with deceptive and frightening duties their prophecies. As the witches are the opposite of dutiful subjects, Macbeth is the opposite of a great and kindly king In England, Macduff pleads with Malcolm to lead an army against Macbeth. Eventually, Malcolm says that he will, but first he tests Macduffs intentions. He wants to find out if Macduff wants what is best for Scotland, or just wants to defeat Macbeth. Malcolm begins his test by saying that Scotland will suffer even more after Macbeth is crushed. The reason: Malcolm will be more evil than Macbeth. First, Malcolm says that he will be so lustful that your wives, your daughters, / Your matrons and your maids, could not fill up / The cistern of my lust (4.3.61-63). Macduffs response is more than a little wimpy. He says that uncontrolled lust is bad, but hes sure that Scotland can provide Malcolm with enough willing women to satisfy him. But Malcolm goes on to declare that hes also so avaricious that were I king, / I should cut off the nobles for their lands, / Desire his jewels and this others house: / And my more-having would be as a sauce / To make me hunger more (4.3.78-82). Macduff admits that avarice in a king is even worse than lust, but hes sure that Scotland has abundance enough to satisfy Malcolm. Such lust and avarice would be bearable, balanced against good qualities. But I have none (4.3.91), Malcolm answers. He goes on to assert that he has not a single virtue that a king needs. Not only that, but he is positively evil, so evil that had I power, I should / Pour the sweet milk of concord into hell, / Uproar the universal peace, confound / All unity on earth (4.3.97-100). After describing himself as the worst possible person on the face of the earth, Malcolm then asks Macduff if someone like him is fit to govern. Fit to govern! / No, not to live (4.3.102-103), Macduff bursts out. Then he laments the fate of Scotland and is about to storm off, but Malcolm calls him back and unsays everything hes just said about himself. He is, he now says, chaste, generous, and trustworthy. In short, he will be a true king, not the tyrant that Macbeth is. After the tyranny of Macbeth is contrasted with the goodness of Macduff and Malcolm, we are again reminded of what a good king should be. A doctor enters and tells Macduff and Malcolm that a crowd of sick people are waiting to be cured by the English king. Their sickness cant be cured by doctors, but only by the king: at his touch / Such sanctity hath heaven given his hand / They presently amend (4.3.143-145). The doctor leaves, and Macduff asks what disease he was talking about. Malcolm explains, Tis calld the evil (4.3.146). (The disease is scrofula, which causes ugly swellings of glands in the neck. It was called the kings evil because of the popular idea that a holy king could cure it by touching the diseased person.) Malcolm goes on to speak of what a miracle-worker the English king is. He brings Gods healing power to his people, and its a wonder, because How he solicits heaven, / Himself best knows (4.3.150). In addition to being able to heal the sick, the English king hath a heavenly gift of prophecy, / And sundry blessings hang about his throne (4.3.157-158). Malcolm doesnt mention Macbeth, but the only apparent reason for this description of the English king is to provide a picture of heavenly good to contrast with Macbeths hellish evil. Shortly after, news comes of Macbeths most recent act of tyranny the slaughter of Macduffs innocent wife and children. When she walks in her sleep, Lady Macbeth relives the moment just after the murder of King Duncan, when her husband could do nothing except stare at his bloody hands holding the bloody daggers. In her sleep she says to him, What need we fear who knows it, when none can call our power to account?(5.1.37-39). Her point is that Macbeth is king (or about to be) and therefore it doesnt matter who knows that he murdered King Duncan. She thinks (or thought) that kingly power would solve all problems, but it doesnt save her from madness. When he is brought news of the approach of the English army, Macbeth knows that he could lose the battle, and he tries to find a way to accept defeat. In a famous passage, he tells himself that his life is not worth living: I have lived long enough: my way of life Is falln into the sear, the yellow leaf; And that which should accompany old age, As honour, love, obedience, troops of friends, I must not look to have; but, in their stead, Curses, not loud but deep, mouth-honour, breath, Which the poor heart would fain deny, and dare not. (5.3.22-28) We can see that Macbeth now understands the consequences of being a tyrant. He rules only by fear, which means that all those he rules hate him. Standing before Dunsinane, Siward, the leader of the English troops, comments to Malcolm: We learn no other but the confident tyrant / Keeps still in Dunsinane, and will endure / Our setting down before t. ) He means that Macbeth seems to be so confident of the strength of his castle that hes willing to let his enemies lay siege to it, rather than going on the attack. Malcolm replies that Macbeth really doesnt have a choice: Both more and less have given him the revolt, / And none serve with him but constrained things / Whose hearts are absent too . By more and less Malcolm means both the nobles and the common soldiers; Macbeth the tyrant controls only those who are within reach of his sword. In the final scene, Macduff, carrying Macbeths head on a pole, hails Malcolm as king of Scotland and says, Behold, where stands / The usurpers cursed head: the time is free . The time is free because they are all now free of Macbeths reign of terror over Scotland. Macduff then leads the men in a shout of victory and loyalty. He says, I see thee compassd with thy kingdoms pearl, / That speak my salutation in their minds; / Whose voices I desire aloud with mine: / Hail, King of Scotland! . Macduff knows that these thanes already think of Malcolm as their king, and now he asks them to join him in shouting out loud, Hail, King of Scotland! And so they do, honoring Malcolm, above whose head looms the severed head of Macbeth.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Gender Differences: American and Chinese Culture

Gender Differences: American and Chinese Culture In the 21st century, a number of significant sociopolitical and technological changes have been witnessed, which have made the world a global village which is getting smaller by the day. The technological feasibility that has enabled the mass media to bring events and news across the world to schools, businesses and homes almost as soon as they occur has narrowed down the distance barriers between people, cultures and societies, such that the world is fast becoming one giant melting pot of cultural, ethnic, religious, linguistic and racial diversities. However, these changes have also resulted in the increase in international tensions between countries world wide, due to the increased interaction. The most significant of these tensions have been witnessed in the past between the United States and Northern Ireland, Eastern Europe and most recently, the Middle East. Thus in light of these developments, the need to develop competent and effective intercultural communication cannot be ov eremphasized. It is indeed a fact that such conflicts are usually of political origin, but are primarily caused by religious and ethnic differences that form barriers to effective communication. The term intercultural communication is sometimes used interchangeably with cross-cultural communication; and it is simply the engagement of concerted efforts at understanding how people who hail form different cultures perceive, act and communicate in their native environment. Intercultural communication plays important roles in fostering understanding in the case of communication between countries in the global platform. (Griffin, 2000). The focus of this paper will therefore be to demonstrate an example of poor intercultural communication between North Americans and Asians and how it affects the effectiveness of communication between the two cultures. Which are long term such as prospecting for oil or minerals; The Process Culture, which is seen in organizations that have little or lack of feedback altogether and the members of the organization maintain a strict focus on the procedures of executing and achieving targets, and is most evident in bureaucracies, with the main advantage of achieving consistency in results which is necessary in sectors like the public service and this fact effectively serves to undermine the massive red tape and overly cautious nature of these cultures. (Deal Kennedy, 1982). Edgar Schein has however come up with a method of classifying organizational culture, which is more in line with the present organizational set up. He defines organizational culture as the patterns of basic assumptions that are shared within a groups and that were learned in the during the solving of the problems of internal integration and external adaptation by the group, and which have produced reliable results that can be considered valid and have consequentially been taught to new embers as the correct way to feel, think and perceive when attempting to solve such problems. It will be important to outline the importance of intercultural communication in an organizational setting, before the importance of the impact of ineffectiveness of intercultural communication between two different cultures can be fully highlighted. Schein (2005) expounds that culture is the toughest attribute of an organization in view of change, and surpasses all other attributes of the organization such as the physical attributes, services and products, leadership, and founders. Schein states that the deepest cognitive level of the culture of an organization is where tacit assumptions exist. He expounds that these are the unseen cultural elements that are not easily identifiable in interactions between members of an organization on a daily basis. These elements of an organizations culture are often regarded as a taboo to question or discuss. (Schein, 2005). Organizational culture has various roles in the process of change in an organization. A number of methodologies have been proposed to elucidate this role, which include Burman Evans(2008) view that culture is more relate d to leadership than management .They elaborate that when an organization has the principle focus of transforming its culture, recognition has to be accorded to the fact that this project is long term. This is because achieving change in the culture of an organization ids a difficult endeavor that requires the allowing of employees to take adequate time to get used to the new strategies within the organization. Thus the stronger the culture of an organization, the more difficult it becomes to achieve the change. The six guidelines to achieving organizational change, as given by CummingsWorley(2005), are (i) The formulation of a strategic and clear vision,( Cummings Worley,2005, pg.490),(ii) display of commitment at top managerial levels( Cumming Worley, 2005, pg. 490),(iii) modeling of the change in culture at the top managerial levels( Cummings Worley, 2005, pg.491), (iv) organizational modification to aid change (Cummings Worley, 2005, pg.491) , (v) selection and socialization of terminate deviants and newcomers (Cummings Worley, 2005, pg.491) and(vi) development of legal and ethical sensitivity( Cummings Worley,2005, pg.491).In regard to the design of a model with methods and procedures for analyzing diversity in an organization, Taylor Cox, Jr. (2001) gives three types of organizations which adopt a particularly focused approach in regard to development of cultural diversity in the workplace environment. She outlines the monolithic, the plural and the multicultural organizations in t he journal, The Multicultural Organization. The three types of organizations, according to Cox, are distinguished by their level of structural integration, which Cox defines as the presence of employees from different cultural groups in one organization, with the monolithic organization having minimal structural integration. Cox goes further to outline that monolithic organizations in the United States are usually represented by a majority of white male employees with few women and yet fewer individuals who hail from minority racial backgrounds in the managerial jobs in an organization. The plural organization, however, has an improved level of structural organization, having a heterogeneous workforce which includes people from different cultural backgrounds, other than just one dominant group from a particular ethnic background. The multicultural organization however displays the highest levels of workplace diversity, because it not only contains an evenly balanced workforce in ter ms of cultural diversity, but it also has an awareness of and utilization of its culturally diverse workforce for the benefits of the organization. Having sufficiently defined workplace diversity, it becomes paramount to outline its advantages to an organization and therefore point out why organizations should strive to achieve a cultural diverse workforce. Thus in order to implement these analytical results in a cultural diversity training program, it is imperative to outline that people have a higher degree of inclination to do business with organizations that employ a staff that they can relate to either socially, culturally or ethnically. Therefore, the ways in which a cultural diversity program can be implemented in organizations includes the methods that can be employed by organizations in ensuring that they end up with a culturally diverse workforce. Some of these methods are therefore outlined below. Recruitment Post-Hiring Job Placement Recruitment is basically networking with organizations to build strong relationships that go beyond just business relationships. For an organization to achieve workplace diversity, it has to have a well established method of recruitment of diverse talent across the area in which it operates, in most cases the native country or the region in general, but not just in a secluded locality. Most companies recruit through universities and colleges. Others opt to attend regional and local jib fairs , for example, the UNITY conference, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People(NAACP) an the National Association for Multi-ethnicity in Communications( NAMIC). Serious companies that have a high likelihood of employing a diverse workforce have strategic partnerships with these channels for diversity recruitment that aid them in the hiring of staff with diverse backgrounds, styles, skills, etc.( Fine 2000). Research has also revealed that companies which make heavy use of electronic postings for job vacancies have a high likelihood of having a diverse workforce. Thus the seriousness of companies in the utilization of electronic postings to recruit employees can reveal the extent of diversity that the company has in its staff. Very serious companies have Associate Referral Bonus Programs through which they give cash incentives to employees who refer job seekers to the company, and thus have a high chance of having a diverse workforce. Building Partnerships with Organizations the Community Companies have to recognize that to achieve competitiveness in a global economy; they have to forge relationships with other organizations and community members who have the common interest of promoting diversity. With the growth of the nation in terms of social, racial, ethnic and cultural diversity, organizations have to adapt in this environment and acquire an advanced level of understanding of the need to attain diversity in its workforce. Thus companies have to be actively involved in both local and national associations if they are to identify diverse talent pools from which they can benefit. The companies can also create innovative partnerships with institutions of higher learning so that they attract and increase the number of qualified minority employees in their workforce. In this manner, when they are job vacancies the institutions of higher learning are the first to know, and qualified students have a high chance of being employed by the company, with no predetermined cultural, ethnic or social inclination being a dominant factor in the recruitment process, thus effectively increasing the chances of the company ending up with a diverse workforce. Companies also need to organize outreach luncheons where the members of the community can interact directly with the human resources department representatives. In this manner, a broadcast recruitment process can be extended to the immediate community where the company operates, so that any talent that may benefit the company is obtained, and therefore e increasing the diversity of the workforce. The company can also use local business resource groups in order to solicit for the recruitment of a diverse workforce from the local community. (Cox 2001). Mentoring: Internally Externally Companies can form voluntary mentoring programs, which may operate either formally or informally. These mentoring programs can be established both within the company and in the surrounding community. The programs can be used in helping to assimilate new employees into the company culture, as well as to groom the future leaders of the company. In this manner, the chances of the company losing employees from diverse backgrounds due to their inability to fit into the company culture is significantly reduced, thereby fostering the development of a diverse workforce.(Cox 2001). Given the benefits of having a culturally diverse workforce, organizations should strive to attain workplace diversity, and in light of the disadvantages it may create if not properly managed, make it their priority to seek beneficial ways of managing a culturally diverse workforce In regard to diversity in business, the underlying theory outlines that in a global market place environment, a business, company, form or institution that benefits from the services of a diverse work force is in a better position to understand the demographic factors in the market place environment in which the business operates , and is therefore better placed to exploit its full potential in that environment, than a business which has limited diversity in its workforce. A diverse work force generally consists of employees, both male and female, who are of varying racial and ethnic backgrounds, as well as of different generations. (Fine 2000). Workplace diversity has also been stated as having the potential to improve productivity, employee satisfaction and retention at the workplace. In this regard, it is usually referred to as inclusion, and it deals with how an organization can utilize its diversities for its general improvement. (Fine 2000). Research has also established that despite a diverse workforce, the management of the company also needs to make concerted efforts at exploiting that breadth of wealth in terms of experience and knowledge inherent in the diverse workforce in order to convert this wealth in to monetary benefits to the company. Otherwise, a company with a diverse workforce will just fair as well as one which has a less diverse workforce. Therefore, the focus of this paper is to design an informed and well researched model with methods and procedures for analyzing diversity, and to further elaborate on how these results can be implemented in a cultural diversity training program. Workplace diversity can generally be defined as the extent of cultural mix in an organization; Cultural mix/ diversity includes the different ways through which employees in a workplace environment share a unique identity as a group, including the identity associated with the diversity of race, ethnic age , gender and sexual orientation. The culture of an organization is a determinant of it cultural diversity. (Fine 2000). However, workplace diversity in most senses brings many benefits to an organization. However, C.L Walck (1995) states that there are serious problems that arise from an organization inculcating workplace diversity into its culture, and therefore the responsibility of managing workplace diversity as a resource in an organizations workforce in order to fully exploit its potential to improve an organizations overall performance falls on the organizations management. In the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, C.L. Walck (1995) states that managing workplace diversit y implies the negotiation of interaction among groups which display different cultural backgrounds, and also contriving to foster understanding and cooperation in a culturally diverse environment. In regard to the design of a model with methods and procedures for analyzing diversity in an organization, Taylor Cox, Jr. (2001) gives three types of organizations which adopt a particularly focused approach in regard to development of cultural diversity in the workplace environment. She outlines the monolithic, the plural and the multicultural organizations in the journal, The Multicultural Organization. The three types of organizations, according to Cox, are distinguished by their level of structural integration, which Cox defines as the presence of employees from different cultural groups in one organization, with the monolithic organization having minimal structural integration. Cox goes further to outline that monolithic organizations in the United States are usually represented by a majority of white male employees with few women and yet fewer individuals who hail from minority racial backgrounds in the managerial jobs in an organization. The plural organization, however, has an improved level of structural organization, having a heterogeneous workforce which includes people from different cultural backgrounds, other than just one dominant group from a particular ethnic background. The multicultural organization however displays the highest levels of workplace diversity, because it not only contains an evenly balanced workforce in terms of cultural diversity, but it also has an awareness of and utilization of its culturally diverse workforce for the benefits of the organization. Having sufficiently defined workplace diversity, it becomes paramount to outline its advantages to an organization and therefore point out why organizations should strive to achieve a cultural diverse workforce. An international incident that posed potentially dangerous consequences across the world was witnessed some years back between the United Sates and China; with its primary cause being poor intercultural communication between the two countries. The incident was initiated on the 1st of April, 2001 by the collision of a surveillance plane belonging to the U.S navy with a fighter jet belonging to the Chinese. The collision occurred over the South China Sea, which is considered an international air space. The EP-3 surveillance and electronic warfare U.S. plane was extensively damaged, but due to the skillfulness of there, they managed to safely land the plane at an airbase in China. The Chinese military later declared their fighter jet and its pilot missing, and proceeded to detain the crew members of the U.S. plane; who were 24 in number. The two countries were later unable to reach a consensus on the cause of the collision and resolved to blame each other. In the days that followed, U.S and Chinese officials held a series of contentious negotiations to resolve the incident, with the U.S. officials trying to negotiate the release of the crew, and the Chinese officials demanding an acceptance of liability and a formal apology for the incident from the U.S. The U.S. flatly refused to yield to this demand and blamed the incident on the Chinese pilot. Pressure was meanwhile mounting on the then U.S. President, George Bush to secure the immediate release of the detained U.S crew. In the face of mounting pressure, the then Secretary of State, Colin Powell, issued a statement on April 4 expressing regret over the incident and the subsequent disappearance of the Chinese fighter jet and its pilot. The Chinese officials acknowledged the good faith in which the statement was issued, but simply summed it up as a move in the right direction and issued fresh demands for an apology. On April 8, Colin Powell and the then U.S vice president, Dick Cheney, issued a statement expressing sorrow at the disappearance of the Chinese pilot, but dismissed Chinas demands for an apology. On the same day, they wrote a sympathy letter to the wife of the pilot. Once again, the Chinese rejected these efforts and reiterated their demands for an apology. On April 10, the U.S. officials appeared to have been pushed to the corner and issued a statement declaring that President Bush was willing to write a letter of regret over the incident to the Chinese and an issue an adjoining statement admitting the unpermitted landing of the U.S. plane in Chinese territory. Nevertheless, the Chinese did not burge and still demanded an apology. Eventually, on April 11, the United States wrote a letter to the Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs specifically asking him to convey to the Chinese people and to the family of pilot Wang Wei that we are very sorry for their loss. The later further stated that We are very sorry the entering of Chinas airspace and the landing did not have verbal clearance. However, the actual word apology was not anywhere to be seen in the letter. But the Chinese official who were charged with communicating the contents of the letter to the Chinese people chose to translate the words very sorry, which appeared twice in the letter, to shenbiao qianyi , A Chinese statement that implies a deep apologetic expression and is only used when one is accepting liability for wrong doing and its consequences. Based solely on the translation of this letter, the Chinese released the U.S. crew. One thing that clearly emerged from this incident is that it was a matter of what the U.S. chose to say and what the Chinese chose to hear that ended this impasse. This matter was resolved by the exploitation of the loss of meaning inherent in translation from one language to another by the United States officials who were involved in the negotiations. Bates Gill, the North East Asian Policy Studies director at Brookings Institution states that U.S.negotiators have in the past exploited the use of such words as acknowledge which upon translation stand for to recognize or admit, so that the Chinese can take such words to mean an admission of guilt, when this is not really the case. (Griffin, 2000). There are several cultural differences between the Chinese an Americans, which has necessitate the need to develop a meaningful intercultural communication network so as to foster understanding between these two countries with the ultimate aim of creating a better relationship between the two countries. The benefits of an effective intercultural communication network include, but are not limited to creation of healthier communities, reduced friction and conflict, improved international, regional and local commerce and increased tolerance which results into personal growth. (Griffin, 2000). The cultural differences between the two countries that necessitates the employment of effective intercultural communication networks. Some differences particularly in the societal and institutional organization of American and Chinese societies that significantly played a role in the development of the highlighted incident to the stated proportions include; ethnic culture, whereby the Chinese are generally a reclusive people, preferring to mind their own business and center their cultural values in building of healthy relationships with each other at individual level. They keep to themselves and isolate strangers, while Americans are individualistic and do not believe in strong cultural ties and generally operate under an attitude of saving the world and thus meddle in all affairs unfolding around them. In terms of source of trust, the Chinese believe in trusting the people who surround them and dread losing credibility as a result of failure to live up to oral agreements. The Ameri cans on the other hand, belie in trusting the terms of the contractual agreement and not the people they deal with. Their only fear is getting into legal hassles as a result of contravening the contract, and show little respect for oral agreements. (Griffin, 2000). In terms of business culture, the Chinese are genially clumsy in their communication and operate with quietness and reservation when doing business. The Americans are the exact opposite; being effective and eloquent communicators who are in most senses very outspoken. In regard to the style of negotiation, the Chinese make group decisions, but the final decision lies with the boss. Americans believe in the giving of more individual authority to the stake holders, with the decision making process evenly distributed among the major players. When it comes to dealing with business counterparts, the Chinese are courteous and deal with their clients at a personal level, such that if there is a breach of contract then arising issues are taken up strongly, with the bad experiences being committed to long term memory. Americans, on the other hand, keep it strictly business, and adopt a matter-of-factly approach. They are also always willing to negotiate with the enemy so long as there is something to gain. (Griffin,2000).Finally, the Chinese exhibit a serious weakness in the ability to make quick decisions in the heat of the moment, while their American counterparts have a strong sense of resolving serious issues as they present themselves. (Griffin, 2000). Being that the negotiations for the release of the detained U.S. crew was taking place between officials representing two countries, it was very necessary that careful and appropriate diplomatic approaches be employed, lest the situation get out of hand. Therefore the choice to use letters to communicate official positions presented an appropriate communications device. Letters, as communication devices, are effective in that in they leave no room for ambiguity and contention. They are also formal and can be easily stored and retrieved fro reference in case a clarification is required. An appropriate communication theory that was at play in these negotiations was the stand point theory which outlines that knowledge, communication behaviors and individual experiences are largely under the influence of the social groups to which they belong. (Gudykunst, 2003).This is because by carefully exploiting the loss in meaning due to translation of words from one social setting to another, the United States officials who negotiated the release of the U.S. crew managed to establish a delicate balance between yielding into the demands of the Chinese, and maintaining the sovereignty of the United States through avoiding being arm-twisted into issuing a public apology to China. Had this issue not been resolved amicably, the situation could have rapidly degenerated to unimaginable proportions. This is an example of how effective intercultural communication can play important roles in achievement and maintenance of good diplomatic relations in the face of a potential crisis. References. Burman, R. Evans, A.J. (2008) Target Zero: A Culture of safety, Defence Aviation Safety Centre Journal, 34 (2), 22-27. Retrieved, 10 March, 2010, from Charles, W.L. Gareth, R.J.(2001). Strategic Management. New York: Houghton Mifflin. Cox, Jr., Taylor (2001). The Multicultural Organization. Academy of Management Executive, 5(2), 34-47. Cummings, Thomas G. Worley, Christopher G. (2005), Organization Development and Change. New York: Thomson South-Western. Deal T. E. and Kennedy, A. A. (1982) Corporate Cultures: The Rites and Rituals of Corporate Life. Massachusetts: Penguin Books. Huczynski, A. and Buchanan, D.A. (2007). Organizational Behaviour: an Introductory Text. Michigan: Prentice Hall. Montana, P., and Charnov, B. (2008). Management. New York: Hauppauge. Schein, E.H. (2005). Organizational Culture and Leadership. New Jersey: Jossey-Bass. Fine, Marlene G.(2000). Cultural Diversity in the Workplace: The State of the Field. Journal of Business Communication, 33(4), 485-502. Griffin, E. (2000). A First Look at Communication Theory. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill. Gudykunst, William B. (2003), Intercultural Communication Theories, in: Gudykunst, William B (ed.), Cross-Cultural and Intercultural Communication, 1(3), 167-189. Huczynski, A. and Buchanan, D.A. (2007). Organizational Behaviour: an Introductory Text. Michigan: Prentice Hall. Montana, P., and Charnov, B. (2008). Management. New York: Hauppauge. Walck, C.L. (1995). Editors introduction: Diverse approaches to managing diversity. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 3(1), 119-123. The Movie: The Devils Advocate The Movie: The Devils Advocate I had a chance to watch the movie The Devils Advocate that was directed by Taylor Hackford and released in 1997. This movie is one of the best films that have some deep theology over the doctrine of God and the philosophical problem of evil. In fact, the problem of evil has been discussed over the long centuries, and the debate still rages on today. After watching the show I really got thinking whether I am on a right way in my life and reconsider my life priorities. Basically, the film is about the law company run by John Milton who represents the Satan. I believe that the author chooses the lawyers as the main characters intentionally because they have this power to judge the others and decide on the lives of the accused. The show reveals different kinds of issues that all humans from different parts of the world struggle. Also, the movie proves how sin leads to falling and destroys the human life. The most interesting thing is that in the show it is presented as the Satans plan. However, there are certain moments where it is obvious that the humans have a choice and go for sinful one. What is so dangerous about the humans? Why are we always destroying ourselves and the world around us? The answer cannot be simple explained by the original sin and human weakness. Actually, the reason is the loss of ethics and concerns for the others. People obsessed with vanity, greed, lust and the list can be continued. The reason is that they merely violate the Ten Commandments written in the Old Testament, or put it differently, Gods law. The illustration of vanity is an episode when John Milton asks whether it would not be better to take care of wife and give up one case. Kevin Lomax responds that You know what scares me? I quit the case, she gets better and I hate her for it. I dont want to resent her, John, Ive got a winner here. Ive got to nail this fucker down, do it fast, and put it behind me. Just get it done. Then put all my energy into her ( The Devils Advocate (1997) Memorable quotes, n.d.). It is worth to admit that this choice is the significant moment that led to the ruin of Kevins family and life. Therefore, this passage highlights basic, fundamental beliefs at play. This is a great example of how fast the humans get possessed with power and exchange biblical moral beliefs to follow fleeting sinful desires. It seems that with each step we take away from these beliefs, we each step become closer to true evil. The strongest point in the show is presented by Kevin Lomax who asks, Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven, is that it?( The Devils Advocate (1997) Memorable quotes, n.d.). Then, John Milton responds, Why not? Im here on the ground with my nose in it since the whole thing began. Ive nurtured every sensation mans been inspired to have. I cared about what he wanted and I never judged him. Why? Because I never rejected him. In spite of all his imperfections, Im a fan of man! Im a humanist. Maybe the last humanist. (The Devils Advocate (1997) Memorable quotes., n.d.). This approaches to the doctrine of God. I mean that God has integrity; he is truthful. God is concerned for the welfare of those whom He loves for their best interest. God has unconditional love and unselfish interest in us for our sake. As in the Bible John 3:16, For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. In contrast, Satan always hated the humans from the existence. The problem of evil challenges Christian faith, but we should not forget that the Lord promises us the blessing in our life, and all we need just obey and be faithful to God. Even though all people are sinners as we are born with it, God is generous to us because in his plan he gives us a chance for redemption and salvation. I remember from the class lectures that, according to Augustinian theodicy, there is no evil but the lack of good. God created us as good beings in His image. However, we have a free will, and we have to make the choices that will define our life, our surrounding, our ethics, our relationships, and our faith. When the humans put themselves over the Creator, we separate from God even if He loves us. I see that in the choice that God gives us we have to take responsibility for our actions. As a matter of fact, this responsibility is repentance. What worldview is assumed in the show? The show The Devils Advocate paints a clear picture of different worldviews with its consequences. Some have faith in the government or in a hope for world peace. Others have faith in their money, their education or their employment; however, it can all let them down. Our health can fail, we can lose our job, and we can end a meaningful relationship with someone we care about. In contrast, I am convinced that all of those things are temporal, and they can be changed. I am a believer, and I agree that only Christian worldview produces a way of living that is fruitful and creative. There is no doubt that the Christian faith makes sense in this world that has lost its moral. I believe that the truth is absolute, and it can only be understood by submitting to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We all live by faith. To sum up, I have to say that I really enjoyed the movie because it made me to think what is really destroying our world, and what our part in creating better future is. We should start from the choices we make every day. Gods will do not have power unless we allow evil to seep in our hearts.